Ashley, our Founder, has been in the healthcare industry for her entire career as a healthcare provider beginning as a certified nursing assistant working in skilled nursing homes, then becoming an EMT, then paramedic working both pre-hospital and in-hospital as a critical care paramedic. She worked in the emergency room and intensive care unit. She was also a teacher of CPR and advanced life support courses teaching all clinicians including paramedics, nurses, physicians, and all that are in between.
Ashley realized how important having the necessary support is to navigate the complexities of the healthcare system. She has a MA in Catholic Bioethics and is a Bioethics PhD Candidate. Ashley's dissertation focus is on carceral healthcare ethics and substance abuse. She would like to open a nonprofit to be able to provide advocate services to inmates. While working in the hospital Ashley lost 6 family members back to back and her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer.
Her mother was diagnosed with stage zero breast cancer that should have required only 2-3 surgeries but lead to17 surgeries, numerous hospitalizations, and chronic conditions from complications. Identification of simple things like slight changes in body temperature, electrolytes, and other minor changes can mean major illness. If people are not paying close attention and are not properly trained, it is easy to miss major secondary illnesses. If Ashley was not adamant about her mom's care and paying very close attention her mother likely would have had very serious complications and possibly died. We ensure you are not just surviving you are aware of your diagnosis, and treatment options! Be proactive not reactive regarding your healthcare!